Collaborating and sharing using GitHub without command line
National Museum of Natural History
The Carpentries: Data Carpentry Workshop
The Unix Shell
Smithsonian Institution
The Carpentries: Software Carpentry Workshop
Wonders of a Dryland moss: Syntrichia from genomes to ecosystems
Jepson Herbarium
Hosted in partnership between the Jepson Herbarium and the collaborative research project 3DMoss: Desiccation and Diversity in Dryland Mosses, with funding provided by the US National Science Foundation under the Dimensions of Biodiversity program. More info and recordings here.
Biological Sciences Discipline-Cluster Workshops
University of California, Berkeley
Virtual Teaching Conference for First-Time Graduate Student Instructors
Biocrusts: The Living Skin of the Earth
University of California, Berkeley
Expanding Your Horizons, a STEM workshop for middle-school aged girls. More info here.
Introduction to R, Git, Shell, and Reproducible Analysis in R
Berkeley Institute for Data Science
The Carpentries: Software Carpentry Workshop
Biological Sciences Discipline-Cluster Workshops
University of California, Berkeley
Teaching Conference for First-Time Graduate Student Instructors