Fieldwork on San Bruno Mountain

This summer, several members of the MEEP Lab made multiple trips up to San Bruno Mountain for fieldwork, split between surveying Syntrichia moss populations and studying epiphytes on coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis). The mountain weather kept us guessing—one day, we were hiking under the sun, and the next, we found ourselves enveloped in thick fog, where visibility was limited to just a few feet.

We got our sampling started by marking key survey sites and collecting moss and epiphyte samples for later analysis. It was exciting to get things underway, but as we wrapped up, we were already making plans for the next field season to build on our findings and expand our work.

Despite the shifting weather, we spent our days hiking along the trails, exploring the rich tapestry of mosses and lichens that thrive on the mountain. From lush patches of moss on the forest floor to colorful lichen covering rocks and trees, the landscape was a constant source of awe. As we surveyed and collected samples, it was hard not to stop and appreciate the diversity of life in every nook and cranny. The vascular plants there aren’t too bad to look at, either!

Jenna T. B. Ekwealor
Jenna T. B. Ekwealor
Assistant Professor

Lab PI and moss evangelist.